Finance Friend Artists Artist in Residence: Street Fighter concept artist Edwin Huang

Artist in Residence: Street Fighter concept artist Edwin Huang

I finally gave up the hustle and bustle of the New York City studio lifestyle. I made the move to lazy California about five years ago and have never looked back. My primary workstation is in a small bedroom. Most of my work is digital these days, so the setup is fairly simple: two monitors, a desk, and proper lighting is all I really need to get working. I live a pretty sedentary life, so the standing desk is extremely important for blood flow!

My average month consists of a healthy balance of client work, personal work, and comic convention travel. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a luxury to be able to work from home, but it also forces me to be disciplined or else the bills don’t get paid. Remaining motivated is a skill you have to learn if you’re working from home in any capacity. I also have to learn when to put down the pen and enjoy personal time with my wife and friends. 

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